Every time you go to the range, consider having a goal to accomplish
for the day rather than just standing there and punching holes in paper. For
example, incorporate things into your rotation that you may find yourself
confronting in the real world. Imagine carrying a bag in your hand as you are
entering a car. This situation will require far different skills than most people
practice on a regular basis. There are a ton of different drills and targets that
correlate to the skill you are practicing. One of our favorite places to find these
drills is at www.pistol-training.com. These drills help you work on everything
from accuracy to speed and target transitions.
Always make it a point to practice with one hand - both your strong hand and
weak hand. You never know when you may find yourself in a situation where
you end up with only one hand on the gun. The time to find out that you aren’t
proficient isn’t when the trouble starts! Magazine changes are another HUGE
thing to practice. If you can’t reload under stress this is something you
absolutely need to practice - it is a basic level skill that every shooter needs to
master. Engaging targets at different distances and of different sizes are other
great things to practice. Every pistol shooter should be able to hit the “A Box”
at 25 yards effectively. We always remind our members and customers to
shoot until they are out of their comfort zone. Why? Because the fight for your
life or a loved one will be outside of your comfort zone… guaranteed!
We always encourage everyone to participate in Wilshire Gun’s monthly
competitions. Each contest will incorporate many of these skills under stress
from time and movement. Our competitions are less focused on high round
counts, but rather critical skills that most shooters practice little, if at all. There
are many other competitions one can participate in to help incorporate all of
the drills and skills into one event. OKC Gun Club hosts a USPSA match
every month that will test all of your abilities at once. We highly recommend
participating to really test yourself while having some serious gun fun.